This week in math we are beginning Unit 7. This journals! You should expect to see the ones we used from Units 1-6 at some point this week, possibly in their take home folders next Monday. You don't need to finish it, but if your child wants to work through the pages they may have missed (or that we skipped as a class) they can -I don't need them back they are yours to keep.
As we begin Unit 7, our focus is on number patterns to reinforce numeration skills such as multiplication and division. We are now working on computational skills that include the addition and subtraction of several digits in one problem (2 to 3 digits in each part!). We will also be working on the collection, representation and interpretation of real-life data (line plots, frequency tables and bar graphs). Please make sure to download the family letter from the math section or click here.
In social studies we are finishing up our community work with a group project about urban, suburban and rural communities. The groups have created their own communities and added in the essential elements for a community. They named their communites, made a plan and then created a layout and map for them using the maps skills we studied in our last unit. Their collaborative maps will be in the hallway when they have completed them, they are currently putting the finishing touches on the maps!
In other news, we began learning basic typing skills on Fridays. On the main page you'll notice a link with a typing program we are using and some typing games for the kids to practice as their skills increase. We are very excited as this is an important skill that we feel all students should have.
We were also fortunate to have a special presentation last week from Mr. Praeger, Mr. Beckler, and Mr. Adkins about architecture. The students were fascinated to learn all about the planning stages of buildings and I was excited that it fit in so well with our community project.
As always, if you have any questions about anything please let me know!