![]() October Conferences are coming up on the 22nd and 23rd from 3:20pm-6:30pm and the 24th from 3:20pm-4:10pm. Please sign up for a time using the link below, if you are not able to make it to any of these times, please contact the teachers to set up an alternative. You will meet for 10 minutes with Mrs. Umberger, and then 10 minutes with Mrs. Jackson. (The time below will be your starting time!). http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848AEAF2CA31-october
This week in math we will be continuing on Unit Two. We are learning about frame-and-arrow boxes as well as becoming fluent in addition and subtraction problems. Last week the students created goals with me through their math groups. If your child has a number reversal, that is their first goal. We are trying to get them all corrected before mid-October. If you notice one, please remind them by saying they have ___ on the page, can they find it?! Your help is very much appreciated! We have been using our iPads to help practice a lot of different math skills and should be into the full swing of our math workshop, differentiated math groups included, by the end of the week! They are doing fabulous with remembering our class promises with only occasional reminders needed.We are also continuing our science unit about plants. As I'm sure you heard, we planted greenhouses last week and will be growing and experimenting on plants over the next few weeks! We are trying to discover what is most important for a plant to grow and be healthy.
Don't forget that October conferences will be coming up in a few weeks so expect to hear from me regarding those with more details very soon! As always, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me! ![]() Last week we had our first Non-Fiction Friday! Each Friday we talk about non-fiction text features, sit with a buddy, and sip lemonade while we read about current events. The students really seemed to enjoy this and looked forward to doing this each week! We also had our first school-wide assembly about our new recycling and composting program at the school. There are pictures from both in our photo section. This week in math students will be introduced to math groups. These are groups in which I will be targeting specific skills and lessons tailored to what students need. Some groups will be working on challenges or extensions while others are reviewing concepts that they find difficult and need support in. The challenge group is a very fluid group as students may excel in a concept for one unit and need more individualized help in another. Students who are showing that they wish to work very hard in class will be given challenges at their level (whether that be in a pull-out group or through class extensions). My goal is to keep them excited about learning while continually challenging their thinking. We are also wrapping up our social studies unit about authority. This will transition us into our first science unit (Investigating Plants)! Many students have been looking forward to science since day one and I am as excited as they are to begin growing and experimenting! As always, if you have any questions please let me know. E-mail is usually the best way to contact me: [email protected] Have a great week! This week we are continuing to focus on our thinking strategy of activating schema (background knowledge). We will also be concluding our first Unit in math, so the students will be taking their Unit One Assessment. After our assessment is complete students will be working in small groups to get more differentiated and targeted lessons in addition to our workshop lessons. You may see some individualized homework as I often give them a practice sheet for the week to help with skills they are focusing on. If you notice a handwriting sheet with numbers on it, that means that your child is currently reversing that number most of the time they are writing it. I would like to try to have our numbers facing the right direction before the end of the month, so please have them sit down and work on those! Also, if you would check over their homework and let them know if they reversed any that would be great (i.e. "You have 3 reversals, check over your work and see if you can find them"). I am also doing the same during class and we are already noticing a difference!
In social studies we are currently focusing on authority. We have been reading a book called "Orb and Effy". It is an adventure about 'Bubble Land' and the bubbles learn all about rules and how to pick great leaders. This week we are focusing on characteristics of a good leader. We created our own bubble land leaders and wrote why we think they would be a great leader (including characteristics). We practiced activating our schema by thinking about times when we liked how others treated us and when we didn't like how we were treated. Then we brainstormed a list of characteristics we'd like to see in leaders which we used to help us in our writing. Don't forget that this week we will be having our first Non-Fiction Friday! If you haven't sent in a plastic cup or mug for your child, please make sure to do so before Friday. Don't worry about the lemonade at this point as we have plenty for now! Also, there are some direct giving parties coming up over the next few weeks. Details are in the 'Sched Thanks, and have a great week! We've had a great first two weeks of school! The students are starting to settle into our routines and we are enjoying learning all about each other. As we head into our third week you will start to notice that students are being placed in groups that are specific to skills and things that I have noticed they need to work on. We are striving to have a collaborative learning community and I find that when I group them with other students that are learning the same skills they are less afraid to speak up when they need help -as well as stepping up to support each other in their learning. As the school is finishing up DRA testing, we will not be starting challenge groups until late in September. We will be doing in class extensions for students who want and need a bit of challenge. I am also teaching the students how to pick appropriate independent activities based on the skills they are learning and how to pick materials that are challenging to them. I think it is very important for students to be able to take their learning to the next level independently, but it does take a lot of guidance and explanation as we begin- so be patient!
For the month of September we are focusing on the thinking strategy 'Activating Schema'. This thinking strategy helps students refer to their background knowledge on subjects and apply them to new skills or information. As we head into the beginning of our 2nd grade school year this is so important as we've been out of school all summer. Don't forget that we don't have school this Friday, September 14th due to an Assessment day. This gives us the chance to grade our benchmark tests as well as our DRAs and Math Assessments. As always, in you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] What a wonderful first week! It has been great getting to know your students. This week we have really focused on our rituals and routines. We created a class promise which is located in both classes. We all met last Friday and made sure that all of our ideas were in it and then both homerooms signed them. We are striving to create a collaborate and welcoming community in our classroom for all learners. I have photos posted and will e-mail you all the password to the photos page in case you'd like to check them out!
Please come join us at Back to School Night this Wednesday, September 5th from 6:15- 6:45 or 6:45- 7:15. (Whichever time is more convenient). If you ever have questions, please e-mail me! I am very excited to be teaching at Bill Roberts this year! This will be my third year teaching 2nd grade Math, Science and Social Studies.
I believe that communication between teachers and parents is so important in the success of students. If you ever have any questions please make sure to contact me by phone or e-mail. [email protected] or 720-424-2683. This website has a lot of helpful information so I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the resources within it. Just a few things you will find is our specials schedule, information about our math curriculum, links for games and activities relating to our math lessons and a blog about our Friday PLC's. Don't forget about our lemonades tomorrow from 6:30-7:30 located at the back of the school on the basketball courts. I look forward to meeting you and your children! |
Class JournalThis blog is to help keep you informed about what is happening in our classroom each week. It will have any important dates or activities you should know about. Archives
May 2013