Everyday Mathematics Overview

Here you will find a brief description of what we learn about in each unit. Also, you can download the Family Letter and Vocabulary for each unit. If you are having a hard time downloading, please try another internet browser. To help your child with the concepts in the family letter, please make sure to go to the 'Math Links' tab and look for games that relate to the skills we are working on.
Unit One
This unit focuses on Numbers and Routines. We work with number grids to reinforce place value skills and practice skip counting. We also practice telling time.
Unit Two
This unit focuses on reviewing and extending addition and subtraction facts. We will work a lot with our fact triangles.
Unit Three
In this unit we learn about money, place value and telling time. We will review different combinations of coins for making the same value. We also practice telling time on digital and analog clocks.
Unit Four
In this unit we concentrate on addition and subtraction number stories. We learn to look for keywords that can give us clues about what type of problem we are solving. We practice different strategies (counters, money, number lines, number grids, etc.) to help us with our Mental Math.
Unit Five
We focus on Geometry during this unit. We talk about the names of shapes. We look at both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes and how they are similar and different.
Unit Six
We look at the information we learned during Unit 4 with the addition and subtraction number stories. We learn how to make diagrams and arrays to help us solve more complex problems.
Unit Seven
In this unit we learn about number patterns, computational skills, and how to collect and sort data.
Unit Eight
In this unit we focus on fractions. We talk about how, like whole numbers, many different fractions can add up to the same amount.
Unit Nine
We focus on Measurement in this unit. We also begin talking about square centimeters and square inches (area).
Unit Ten
In this unit, children will review money concepts, such as names of coins and bills, money exchanges, and equivalent amounts.
Unit Eleven
We will solve addition and subtraction stories with dollars and cents. We will also use estimation to examine our answers and determine whether the answers make sense.
Unit Twelve
This unit reviews the main topics covered in 2nd grade in order to prepare students for 3rd grade. For example, we review measurement, computation and examining data.