We are scheduled to take our class pictures on Thursday, October 23rd. Any student that was gone on the first picture day, or that would like to have their picture retaken will do so on this day as well!
We had an incredible in-school field trip last week! Our classes were so supportive and worked wonderful in teams together. It was fun to see them encourage and cheer each other on as they climbed the rock wall, paddled in kayaks and rode through the mountain bike course. I tried to get as many photos of the different activities and areas as I could so please check out the photo page to see some of them! I was so pleased that the rain held out long enough for the groups to complete each area.
Mrs. Peeters' homeroom should have received an e-mail about our upcoming conferences, Mrs. Umberger's homeroom should expect one mid-week. (If you didn't get the invite, please e-mail me and I can resend it). This week we will be continuing to work on double-digit addition and subtraction with borrowing and carrying. Last week we practiced working on the expanded notation, standard and word form of numbers up to the thousands. There are some student examples on the wall outside of Mrs. Peeters' and Mrs. Jackson's classroom. Reminders: Don't forget that next Monday, October 20th and Tuesday, October 21st there is no school for students due to teacher planning and assessment days. Have a great week! Last week we started 'Math Buddies' with Mrs. Johnson's 5th graders! I got photos of my homeroom with their buddies, but my phone died before the second group so I'll make sure to get photos of them with their buddies at our next meeting! We will be meeting with them once or twice a month to do some fun math work or science experiments. We also took our first Math Interim standardized test.
This week in math we will be working on place value. This is especially important when adding and subtracting with 2 and 3 digit numbers. We will also be learning about expanded notation (300+20+5=325). In science we are continuing to learn about earth materials and sorting rocks by property. We will also be learning about different landforms such as plateau, mountains, islands, plains, etc. Our unit will begin wrapping up next week. Thank you to everyone who came to the fun run! It was a huge success and I am so grateful to be part of such a supportive community. Reminders: Don't forget that we have our Avid4Adventure day coming up this Thursday, October 9th! Students should dress appropriately for outdoor activities and bring a sack lunch and sunscreen. There is a Direct Giving Party on Saturday, October 11th @ 7pm. There is more information in your child's homework folder. In math we will be continuing to work on fluency with addition and subtraction. We are currently working on double-digit addition and subtraction with borrowing and carrying. Our math workshop is coming along well and math groups are in full swing! We will be working on 'Monitoring for Meaning' through our workshop this week. This is where we specifically as ourselves if the answers we got made sense and going back to check over our work and understanding.
For science we have been learning about Rocks and Minerals for the past few weeks. We were so lucky to have a geologist visit our classroom on Friday, September 26th to show us a lot of different types of rocks, tell us about how she came to be a geologist, so us examples of different rock properties (such as hardness) and more! Lorrie even brought all the kids geodes to break open and see what was inside. What a fantastic day! Please make sure to check out the photo page for a glance into our day. A few pieces of information I want to make sure you are all aware of. First, a green packet came home Friday with information about a program coming to Bill Roberts called 'Avid4Adventures.' This looks to be a wonderful opportunity for our school and I hope you will all take the time to register your child. The registration page can be found here: http://www.avid4.com/school-programs/school-partners/onbillroberts/ If you would like help with the $12 fee please let me know as our PTA and many parents have donated extra so that we can participate as a school. It will be taking place over a few days, our class will participate on Thursday, October 9th. Also, because this week will begin the month of October (crazy right?!) we put a new calendar in the kids homework folders so you have a heads up about events. I have also sent home book orders for the month. They are due back on October 23rd. The fun run is Oct. 5th! Please join us and we will try to come up with a class theme this week (ideas are welcome just comment below!!). Lastly, we have had quite a large number of students forgetting snacks. Please try to remember to send your child with a snack each day. If anyone would like to donate some extras that would be fabulous as I'm almost out. Thanks! :) This week we will be focusing on fluency with addition and subtraction as well as addition and subtraction word problems. We are incorporating our thinking strategies of ‘Determining Importance’ and ‘Monitoring for Meaning’. In our mini-lessons students will practice looking for keywords that help them determine what operation to use (Determining Importance) as well as information to help them solve the question. Students will also check to make sure that their answers make sense (Monitoring for Meaning). Our math workshop is coming along well, and this week we will work on the reflection piece so that students can really begin monitoring their thinking and progression throughout their independent time. I will also begin conferring with students during their independent time and creating individual ‘SMART’ goals with them.
In science we are continuing to learn about the properties of rocks. We will also be having a geologist, one of our wonderful parents, come and talk to all of the students on Friday! I’ll be posting pictures about all the fun activities and learning that takes place so make sure to check back here next weekend! I have added a few photos on our class photo album from last week, so make sure to check them out! Also, I realized that I accidentally wrote the due date for homework as September 26th, but it is due on September 25th (Thursday). Sorry for the confusion! Just a few quick reminders this week. First, another book order is coming home on Friday. If you'd like to order some books please return the form and payment to me by October 23rd. You can also order online (the activation code for our class is attached to the order form!). Finally, just another reminder that the fun run is coming up on October 5th. It should be a fun afternoon and I hope to see you there! This week in math we will be beginning many of our extension groups. This will allow the students to get more focused attention on their strengths and challenges in mathematics concepts. As a class we will be focusing on number sense through exploring number puzzles and missing addends. We will also be adding additional parts to our math workshop including a structured reflection and closing time.
In science we will be learning about some of the characteristics and attributes of rocks. More specifically we will be exploring color, luster, texture, size and shapes. Students will be working in groups sorting rocks based on the attributes they are noticing through observation and property tests. Hopefully your child's homework folder made it home with them this weekend! You should find a lot of helpful information in them so please make sure you check them each week when they come home. We will keep a calendar in the back pocket each month to help remind you about upcoming events. One thing I didn't put on there was that the book orders are due this Friday, September 19th! Also, don't forget about the Fun Run coming up on October 5th. Hope to see you there! It was great seeing so many of you at Back to School Night on Thursday. Although we are only a few days into our school year together, I can already tell it's going to be a great one!
This week we will be focusing on the thinking strategy 'Determining Importance'. We will be explicitly talking about it through word problems so that they can figure out the important parts that help them figure out which operation to use and which facts are helpful in solving the question. We will also be getting our math groups put together. These groups change often and students will change depending on their understanding of each topic and standard we study. I will also be introducing more parts of our math workshop slowly over the next few weeks. My hope is that by the end of September it will be running smoothly as we start diving into our standards more deeply. In science we will be continuing our earth materials unit. We have a lot of books from the library about rocks and minerals that we will be exploring and navigating throughout the week to help us form questions and wonderings. This week is the first week the students received homework. We ordered some homework folders that we were hoping would be here earlier, but unfortunately we didn't receive them until late Friday so they didn't make it home with them again this week. Their homework will be due next Thursday (September 11th) and they will get their new folders and homework on Friday. We will not collect the homework until Thursday each week, so please do not turn in ahead of time. Don't forget about another direct giving opportunity Wednesday, September 10th at 7:45am in front of the school. Come before school, enjoy a coffee and contribute directly to our school! Finally, picture day is on Thursday, September 11th. Uniforms are not required on picture day. Your child should have brought home the form on Friday. If you need a new one let me know. Have a great week! What a great first week we had! It has been great getting to know your students and I look forward to our year together. We had a fun week of building with some fun gifts from LEGO education. We all built ducks and looking at all our creations we talked about how there were many different ways that we could build our ducks and when we were finished we could all see how unique they were-just like us! We also used iPads, began learning our classroom routines, learned about number bonds, took a few assessments and finished our week with some typing skills classes.
Starting next week we will begin normalizing our routines with math workshop. The students will also be getting TenMark accounts and Everyday Mathematics Online passwords so they can play math games on computers. I will be starting math groups towards the end of the week so that I can start sending home leveled homework. Don't forget that we have Back to School Night on Thursday, Sept. 4 from 6:30-7:30. We will be sending an e-mail home next week giving further details. Also, please remember to send your 3-2-1 homework about your child back by Thursday. Enjoy your long weekend! We are gearing up for another great school year! I love this time of year when the hallways are super clean and the floors are all freshly waxed. Walking into my classroom is always fun as it's super clean and ready for anything! :)
I have a lot to do to be ready for your kids, but I am excited and anxious to get started. Last week I went in to get a feel for how I might be setting things up (I like to change it up each year!). I have some great I am excited to meet all of you and your families at our annual meet the teachers night with popsicles! The second grade one is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19th from 4:45-5:30pm. We will be on the back playground. |
Class Blog
This blog is to help keep you informed about what is happening in our classroom each week. It will have any important dates or activities you should know about. Archives
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